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lecture notes

Most of my lecture notes are not worth sharing but here are some that might help others taking these courses now (or similar ones).

notes in English

Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology
Held in the winter of 2017/2018 at the University of Manchester by Prof Gary Fuller and Prof Albert Zijlstra. This course is an introduction to stars, orbits, galaxies and cosmology.

Quantum Physics and Relativity
Held in the winter of 2017/2018 at the University of Manchester by Prof Brian Cox and Prof Jeffrey Forshaw. It is a very simple introduction to special relativity and quantum physics.

Applications of Quantum Physics
Held in the winter of 2017/2018 at the University of Manchester by Prof Sean Freeman. The course introduces some interesting new technologies in which quantum phenomena like tunnelling and superposition are exploited. This is mostly just a typed out copy of the handwritten lecture notes with some comments by me.

Zeeman Spectroscopy
This is a long evaluation for one of the many experiments that physics students at the University of Heidelberg have to do to get their BSc degree.

notes in German

Experimentalphysik IV
Held in the summer of 2017 at the University of Heidelberg by Prof Johanna Stachel. Experimental physics IV is a course on nuclear and particle physics.